IWSG-Soooo Little Time . . .

It’s the first Wednesday of the month and do you know what time it is . . . Alex J Cavanaugh’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group!

Writing is my passion and when I don’t get my fix I feel depressed. I’ve had that feeling a lot lately, especially in May with only 16 more school wakeups for the school year (thank God–the end is near!). Among working full-time as a teacher, I’m also a mom to two girls (and sometimes my 33-yr-old hubby;) . . . add in guitar practice for Kaylee on Monday and Sunday nights, bible study group on Tuesday nights, horse riding lessons for Ashley on Wednesday afternoons, blogging (writing and commenting), trying to workout (which I fail miserably  at most of the time), house work and family commitments on the weekends, and trying to read (can’t wait for City of Lost Souls out on May 8th!), time is of the essence.

Usually my summer is when I write a full novel, then spend the rest of the school year slowly editing it, over and over and over again. But next year I am switching grade levels so much of my summer will be spent learning new curriculum and making Smartboard lessons to go along with said curriculum. I’ll also be studying for my media specialist degree since our librarian is retiring after the 2012-2013 school year and I’m hoping to replace her (unless I get that BIG book deal before then, HA!).

So now that I’ve vented, anyone have any pointers for me? How do you squeeze in writing time with a full-time job, family and hobbies?

*Ok, I wrote this last night & saved as a draft before heading to Bible study, then guess what the teaching was on? The Race, the Place & the Pace of life, lol. Funny how that happens. I came to the conclusion that I somehow need to spend more time in God’s infinite presence so I can have more peace about all the things in my life. So I’ll end with this thought of the day: “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” –1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

By jamieayres Posted in IWSG

19 comments on “IWSG-Soooo Little Time . . .

  1. I’m with you on the lack of time and being soooo ready for school to let out! Let me know if I can help in any way when you get your library media specialist degree. I have one of those!

  2. I struggle with this a lot, although my schedule isn’t nearly as hectic as yours. Reading your post made my head spin!
    What has helped me is to be in the moment with whatever I am doing, and not thinking about the next thing that needs to get done. Then, I am grateful for the time I do have, and at least feel more productive.
    Being at peace with who and where you are at the time might make this easier.
    Take care, and write happy. You will get there!

  3. That is hard… I think many writers struggle with this… Whenever I get a bit of time, I try to go to a cafe alone, and just sit there and write, with no disruptions… even if only for half an hour. I can get so much done… but that can be difficult with kids…

    • Yes, I love to do this! Last year I was able to do that more than this year . . . and it seems whenever I do I get an urgent phone call, lol. But I’m meeting 2 writing friends at Dunkin Donuts on Monday so wish me luck:)

  4. You will make such a good librarian! Don’t spread yourself too thin. Life can be exhausting so prioritizing can help. Easier said than done I know. Hugs! I am there for you. Love you..Mom

  5. Sounds look some good thoughts you got from your Bible study! Making time is hard, even when you don’t have a full time job! But even if you only write a few paragraphs a week, you are still moving forward.

  6. Can I SO join the support group?! lol! Not only am I married and juggling a family with work and writing but I’m also involved in the community, which takes up a degree of time too. I try to get my writing done in the mornings before the house stirs. And if I miss that window in the, I may not get to write for the whole day.:( If you figure out a better strategy, please share it! 😉

  7. “How do you squeeze in writing time”

    I’m a lot less busy than you are! 🙂

    Good luck this summer.

  8. Wow, that is crazy! I don’t know how people do it. I struggle as it is even working part time and with no kids. Even though I never have any money, going part time at work made all the difference and I know I’m doing what I should be doing.

  9. Wish I had advice for you, but you and I are in the same boat and I think we have sprung a leak! 🙂 Hang in there buddy, there are district SMART lessons for reading and those will do. 1 less thing to have on your plate

  10. Your last para says it all — funny how it can bring ‘eternal’ moments and we can get quite a lot done when that happens… thanks for visitng my linkylink, too… hey, wordpress sista!

  11. Sounds like you got it all worked out. 🙂 It is tough, tthat’s no exaggeration. I steal moments to write during the most random times–playtime, bathtime, kids watching a movie. I love my laptop, but having a notebook and pen handy is a must when time is a contraint to creativity.

  12. So frustrating when real life gets in the way of writing. I know how you feel. I can’t say I have any pointers. Just that if it’s important to you, you’ve got to make the time.

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